Dry Eye Treatment
 in St. Louis, MO

Our Approach to Dry Eye at Erker’s Fine Eyewear

Since 1879, Erker’s Fine Eyewear has been dedicated to helping our patients enjoy the gift of clear vision, offering both exceptional eyewear and compassionate eye care. This includes our thorough approach to diagnosing and treating dry eye disease.

 What Is Dry Eye Disease?

Dry eye syndrome is a condition in which the tears in our eyes — which are used to give comfort, clarity, and nourishment — are either missing the vital components needed to keep the eyes hydrated or are evaporating too quickly. The lack of lubrication and protection leads to symptoms such as redness, watering, burning, and in severe cases, even pain and blurry vision.

Certain factors can heighten the likelihood of developing dry eye syndrome. If you’re over 50 or female, your risk increases, as hormonal changes during pregnancy, contraceptive use, makeup mishaps, and menopause often affect women. Additionally, the medications you take can also make a difference; dry eyes can result from drugs like antihistamines, beta-blockers, antispasmodics, diuretics, etc.

Man scratching eyes

Are you Experiencing Symptoms of Dry Eye?

Regardless of what causes your dry eye disease, the condition has a few common symptoms, including:

  • A burning and stinging sensation in the eyes
  • Blurry vision
  • Teary or watery eyes
  • A scratchy or gritty feeling
  • Redness or irritation
  • Difficulty wearing contact lenses comfortably
  • Eye mucus

Take this free self-test to see if you have dry eye.  If you have any symptoms of dry eyes, it’s better to be seen early, before the condition becomes inflammatory and harder to treat.

Dry Eye Comes in Different Forms

The two main types of dry eye disease are aqueous and evaporative. Both types produce similar symptoms but different underlying causes, usually due to an issue with the glands responsible for healthy tear production. Aqueous tear deficient Dry eye is the type of dry eye where not enough tears are produced. People with conditions such as Sjogren’s, autoimmune diseases, or who use medications such as antihistamines, beta-blockers, antispasmodics, and diuretics are more likely to have Aqueous deficient dry eye.

Evaporative Dry eye is a type of dry eye where the tears evaporate too quickly. It has many causes, though some of the more prevalent ones are meibomian gland dysfunction, poor lid alignment, lid dynamics, low blink rate, the effects of drugs such as systemic retinoids, Vitamin A deficiency, toxic effects of drops with preservatives, contact lens wear, and many ocular surface diseases, including allergic eye disease and blepharitis. Studies over the year have shown that 80% of all dry eyes are due to Meibomian gland dysfunction alone.

curly hair woman using eye drops
patient undergoing an eye exam at Erkers Eyewear


Dry eye is a multifactorial and progressive disease, which is why it’s essential to identify what’s causing it and treat it accordingly. Everyone is unique, and your doctor must consider your lifestyle and environmental factors while addressing your eye health to develop a personalized plan to treat your condition.

Inflammation and damage can occur if your condition isn’t treated properly, which is why we use advanced technology to get straight to the source. At Erker’s, we proudly feature slit lamps, cameras, in-office tear tests, punctal plugs, and TearCare® (a meibomian gland heating device). 


Effective dry eye therapy can yield significant benefits when diagnosed early and managed appropriately. Individuals experiencing persistent symptoms such as unstable vision and discomfort from red, sore eyes have reported life-changing results with the proper treatment. Given its chronic and progressive nature, there’s no one-size-fits-all solution for complete dry eye recovery. That’s why, at Erker’s, our dedicated doctors are not only trained in treating a range of dry eye causes and symptoms but are also committed to tailoring personalized treatment strategies based on each patient’s unique condition.

Our approach encompasses a range of interventions, starting with readily available over-the-counter eye drops and simple home remedies. As the situation demands, our experts may recommend advanced interventions, including cyclosporine and steroid eye drops, punctal plug insertion, meibomian gland expression, and assessment for lacrimal system obstructions.

Man receiving dry eye treatment at Erkers in St. Louis

Get Relief from Your Dry Eye Disease at Erker’s!

More than 300 million people globally suffer from dry eye disease. What makes it dangerous is that not everyone with dry eyes is symptomatic. By the time these patients develop symptoms and become aware, there can be inflammation and/or ocular surface damage, death, or loss of glands, making it harder to treat and manage. It’s also progressive in nature and requires proper treatment and care. Over-the-counter artificial tears, the mainstay of treatment during the 90s, won’t help all individuals with dry eyes — our diverse therapies, however, do.

Our highly trained eye doctors won’t only identify the signs of dry eye, but they’ll also determine the root cause of your case. We’ll then customize a dry eye treatment plan to target the condition at its source to provide fast relief.
